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Going Green? Here's some starters!
- By Gianna Meissner
- Published 10/2/2009
- Going Green
- Unrated
Today was the first day of my Project Efficient Home Challenge.
I got a great set of dishes and bowls, as well as some glasses, cutlery and flatware from someone on my local freecycle.org board. If you haven't signed up for freecycle, you are definitely missing out.
I also got some boxes from work for packing. I am so excited about this project I can't stand it!
So, I decided that another good indication of the success of my project would be to measure my ecological footprint. I found a TON of great sites for doing so. This one was my favorite:
It was very thorough and had a great breakdown of everything you do and how you can improve.
Without further ado, my footprint is.....
I am ashamed! I am sharing this with you so that I may repent! I WILL do better!
+1 for free items
+1 for blog post
+1 for link
-1 for driving
-1 because my damn footprint is so high!
Total: 1 Point