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Another day another dollar!
- By Gianna Meissner
- Published 10/3/2009
- Going Green
- Unrated
Well, I worked all day yesterday, and I worked all day today, so I am pretty beat!
I did manage to find time to show everyone a couple of cool links I came across in my web travels last night...
For those in Sarasota County, and neighboring counties, this one is AWESOME! I actually went here with my dad and I am SO glad I left my cash at home! I wanted to buy everything! And the people there have a good knowledge of where the pieces come from too, which is cool. If you are decorating a home, or are an artist of any kind, this is a great place for props.
For information on going green, believe it or not, Martha Stewart does have some great resources, so check out her site, but I also discovered this little gem, and I plan on creating all of these for my house cleaning arsenal on my next day off!
Another of my concerns is personalizing my home for my fiance' and I. I dont want the things I use to personalize my environmentally friendly salvaged pieces to undo all that good! So, I looked up non-toxic paints. Apparently you can make your own with milk, lime, and plaster of paris. You can buy pigment at a craft store, or you can create your own! From what I researched, it seems there are a lot of options for milk paint. Martha Stewart offers one recipe that creates a light cover, and Dairy-Info offers a recipe for a more opaque version. I can't wait to start decorating!!!
I haven't found any new home goods yet, but to be honest, I have been exhausted and haven't really looked.
By the way...another way to help the environment? Spay or neuter your pets, and adopt a shelter dog! My mom just got one yesterday! She is in love!
-1 for not posting yesterday
+1 for posting today
-1 for using the car
+4 for links