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- Published 10/6/2009
- Inspirational Stories
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Post written by Kahnrad Awalt. Follow me on Twitter and MySpace.
Earlier this year, having been unemployed since December 2008, I decided to take time off from just about everything. During the second month of my hiatus, I realized what I needed was a master reset of the mind.
Having been part of the corporate world for more than 20 years, the stress I endured became routine, and the side effects of stress became normal living conditions. It wasn’t until I took this time out that I recognized the significant impact leading this sort of life had had on me. Insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, stress, depression… to name a few.
At 39, I find myself in an interesting place in life. I wouldn’t call it a mid-life crisis, however I would say that I was overdue for seriousreflection. I’ve been so busy “doing”, that I have had no clue as to where I was “going”. In hindsight, it seems I was going nowhere very quickly.
Noticing now just how badly I have treated my body and mind, I feel a sense of remorse, and have vowed to steer clear of anything that is detrimental to my health. The key to success here is “awareness” and “choice”. I further owe mention to two of my mentors, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits (Simple Productivity), and Jonathan Mead of Illuminated Mind (Live on Your Own Terms), for sharing their knowledge, experience, and insight.
I have taken the road of self-employment, doing what I enjoy most, which is helping others through professional coaching and personal development. I have incurred absolutely no additional overhead in this venture, and I enjoy the time I spend writing and marketing. The proverbial line between work and play has been blurred to “existence”, as they have become one.
Who I am is what I do.
Your thoughts and comments are of always welcome.
Kahnrad Awalt
Personal Development Coach
Online at LivePerson.com
Post written by Kahnrad Awalt. Follow me on Twitter and MySpace.
Earlier this year, having been unemployed since December 2008, I decided to take time off from just about everything. During the second month of my hiatus, I realized what I needed was a master reset of the mind.
Having been part of the corporate world for more than 20 years, the stress I endured became routine, and the side effects of stress became normal living conditions. It wasn’t until I took this time out that I recognized the significant impact leading this sort of life had had on me. Insomnia, high blood pressure, headaches, anxiety, stress, depression… to name a few.
At 39, I find myself in an interesting place in life. I wouldn’t call it a mid-life crisis, however I would say that I was overdue for seriousreflection. I’ve been so busy “doing”, that I have had no clue as to where I was “going”. In hindsight, it seems I was going nowhere very quickly.
Noticing now just how badly I have treated my body and mind, I feel a sense of remorse, and have vowed to steer clear of anything that is detrimental to my health. The key to success here is “awareness” and “choice”. I further owe mention to two of my mentors, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits (Simple Productivity), and Jonathan Mead of Illuminated Mind (Live on Your Own Terms), for sharing their knowledge, experience, and insight.
I have taken the road of self-employment, doing what I enjoy most, which is helping others through professional coaching and personal development. I have incurred absolutely no additional overhead in this venture, and I enjoy the time I spend writing and marketing. The proverbial line between work and play has been blurred to “existence”, as they have become one.
Who I am is what I do.
Your thoughts and comments are of always welcome.
Kahnrad Awalt
Personal Development Coach
Online at LivePerson.com