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Post written by Kahnrad Awalt. Follow me on Twitter and MySpace.

Having been working directly with people from an early age, I can say with confidence that I enjoy helping others. I have always been rather analytical and still enjoy the challenge of solving problems, whether faced by a person, or an organization.

After a decade in Human Resources, I began reflecting on career choices, and decided I had not yet found my niche, although I knew I still wanted to help people. It was at this time I became involved in health care, and to be general, I was essentially a patient advocate. This portion of my career has me well rounded in that I have worked with: customers, employees, and patients. Yet, I still hadn't found my ideal.

I began a focused journey at the beginning of 2009 to find what it was that I wanted to do. It was at this time I discovered two particular mentors by the names Leo Babauta and Jonathan Mead. Their perspective, insight, books, and continued sharing of knowledge and experience has opened up a world of possibility for me. I recommend these two to anyone who is serious about making truly positive change in their life.

As I pared down my skill set to the most effective, I determined I am excellent at listening, followed by advice and opinion, without judgment. It was at this point that I realized I have the experience and skills needed to be an effective Life / Personal Development Coach.

I already knew a bit about professional coaching, and became more interested in how to leverage technology toward gaining exposure to a larger audience, and subsequently a more substantial clientèle. After a little bit of Internet searching, I discovered some wonderful avenues. The most important of which I believe is the portal... "A World of Experts". is rather particular about who they allow to join their community, and I found this out the hard way! My proposed profile was rejected a few times before reaching an agreeable dissertation outlining my qualifications. Upon approval, I was elated!

Since joining the community, I have put my technical savvy to work and have successfully established myself on a few social networking sites, and begun a somewhat simple syndication of information, statuses, and the like. In addition to these marketing efforts, I have ordered the traditional business cards through VistaPrint for just a few bucks, and have flyers posted at the local University.

Soon I hope to have a few steady clients, which is very realistic considering I am available via the Internet through a portal specific to this type of work. I am optimistic, and look forward to sharing my journey with you.

Your thoughts and comments are of always welcome.

Kahnrad Awalt
Personal Development Coach
Online at