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- Published 10/9/2009
- Changing Behavior
It's time to make this country what it could be, what it should be to truely be the greatest country in the world. As Americans we always like to say that we are the best in the world. However, if we truely look honestly at the problems this country has today and make that statement it is either not true, or if it is true it is just sad. Today we are dealing with outrageous greed from our corporations and many aspects of our society. Poverty and crime is growing at alarming rates. Our education system is a discrace and healthcare an embarasement to our nation. Hard work is no longer valued or respected and a growing percentage of our population is giving up on the American Dream. President Obama has given us reason to have great hope, but it is going to take much more to bring about lasting change.
Our problems are big and will not be easy to solve. I believe that real change will only come and has alway come from radical change, Most people seem to be afraid of the word "radical", but radical is defined as being a considerable departure from the usual. I believe that just what we need.
I will be posting at least once a week and look foreword to feedback.Don't be shy, you will find that I'm not.
P.S. Remeber, the present moment is all we have.
Our problems are big and will not be easy to solve. I believe that real change will only come and has alway come from radical change, Most people seem to be afraid of the word "radical", but radical is defined as being a considerable departure from the usual. I believe that just what we need.
I will be posting at least once a week and look foreword to feedback.Don't be shy, you will find that I'm not.
P.S. Remeber, the present moment is all we have.