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- By Song of Joy
- Published 10/12/2009
- Inspirational Stories
The Unique Sound of Country Music
I am an ordained minister who happens to enjoy the unique sound of Country Music. I listened to this music, growing up. I didn’t care for the sadness in some of the songs, but many were full of love and fun. These always seemed to touch my heart and stay in my mind. I enjoyed the instruments, and the minute I would hear the sound, my foot would go to tapping.
Much of my life has been spent planting churches here in the United States. I have met many people who enjoy the heritage of Country Music and its unique style
Several years ago, my wife and I attended a Randy Travis Concert at a church. We arrived at the church a couple of hours early. To our surprise, as we walked in, one of the representatives of the church locked the doors behind us. We must have looked really surprised because the man told us that the church was completely full to capacity. That was a first for me. I have been in church all of my life, and I have never seen people come two hours early and watch hundreds of people being turned away because there was no room.
On another occasion, a couple of years later, my wife and I traveled to another church to hear Randy Travis once again. When we arrived at the church, we experienced the same situation as we did at the first church. Only this time, the people were lined up at the front door of the church and the line extended all away around the church building. We listened to the people while standing in line talking amongst themselves. Many had not been to church in a very long time. Others spoke of feeling like they were not welcome in the church. Most just wanted to hear their kind of music, with a real message. As I was listening to Randy sing, I began to hear God speaking to me. He was showing me of His need to have someone reach these people with His love for them and to let them know that He too enjoyed the unique sounds of Country Music.
Since that night, I have begun to pray and ask God how to go about opening a place for those who share the love of Country Music. The book of Psalms teaches that we should sing a new song unto the Lord. The scriptures tell us to lift up Holy hands and worship and praise, clap and dance to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I believe God needs people today, who will write new songs, in the unique country fashion, using the instruments that we all enjoy and love. We need words put to music that will honor and bless Jesus, and at the same time be songs of hope and understanding of God’s love for everyone.
Alan Jackson’s wife, Denise, wrote a book called “It’s All About Him.” Then Alan wrote a song to go with the book. My wife has played this one Praise song so many times that I hear it in my sleep. There is a song on “Youtube” that is sung by Faith Hill, called “I Surrender All.” She was on Oprah’s TV show and as she is singing, the camera turns to Oprah and she has tears flowing! It is beautiful. Faith also recorded a song called “There Is Coming A Day.” George Straight recently, recorded a song, called, “I Saw God Today.” Numerous country artists are sharing their faith and belief in God. I know this is bringing great Joy in heaven.
I hope this will touch many hearts out there. I pray that you will pray for me as I listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and continue to hear His direction. I am praying that there will be a people that will come forth, and begin to write modern Praise and Worship songs, with a Country flavor and I am trusting God to touch hearts of the Country Music artists today, to record these songs so that we might all begin to worship God the Father, Jesus His Son, and His precious Holy Spirit with the instruments of country music.
I know God will help us to find a place to meet and worship together. A place I will lead in God’s Word and a place where we have the freedom to sing to the Lord, a new group of songs, wrote just for Him, in the uniqueness of Country Music.
I would love to hear from anyone that shares my vision. I encourage you to pray for this ministry. I know God loves each of you and He wants you to always feel you have a place to come and sing songs of worship, enjoying Country Praise and Worship. He wants you to know that HE built it with you in mind.
Song Of Joy