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- By Song of Joy
- Published 10/13/2009
- Changing Behavior
Texas in the summer! If you love really hot days, and hot nights, you would love to live in Texas. We have had over 20 days now of triple digit temperatures. Our weather people here, have extremely easy work days during the summer months. Hot, more Hot, and Hotter still! One good thing about Texas weather, we have very mild winters and many times we enjoy 70 degree temperatures during fall and winter.
I wanted to share something this week that is a very important in my life. In studying God's Word, I have realized the importance of praying the scriptures God gave to us. In the past, one thing that always brought up a big question mark, was the instructions to pray according to the "Will of God." Praying the scriptures settles this issue. It is God's Word and it expresses His will. So when we are praying the scriptures, we are praying His will.
(I John 5:18)
Most everyone is familiar with what is referred to as the "Lord's Prayer." (Matt 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4) A great many other passages lend themselves to expressing our faith in God, to answer our prayers.
There are passages that express praise and adoration, which, when proclaimed along with words from our own hearts, take us into the presence of God. Many of these can be found in the book of Psalms.
Included in the scriptures are prayers for the Church, (Heb 10:19-24) for relationships, for children, and all types of needs. (Isa 54:13)
Scriptures of Thanksgiving also line the pages of our Bible. It doesn't hurt to use these while the answers to our prayers are "In transit." We believe we receive when we pray, so it follows that we ought to thank Him for what we are receiving as we pray. (I Kings 8:56 and Psalm 68:15)
Another reason to pray God's Word is that Faith comes by hearing His Word. (Romans 10:17) So as you pray the scriptures for any situation, you are also building your faith to receive your answer.
Remember God sent His Word for a purpose, and when we pray His Word back to Him, we are aligning ourselves with His Word and His Will. God watches over His Word to perform it. It will not return void, but will accomplish His purpose. (Isa 55:10-11 and Jer 1:12)
A good place to begin is Philippians 4:19. "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." This passage will cover almost every area of our lives.
Thank you, Father that you do supply my needs, and the needs of all your children according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You are faithful to perform that which you have promised, and by faith we receive your promises fulfilled in our lives. For your words our life to us and health to all our flesh. In Jesus Name.
Write me and let me know if there is something going on in your life, that we could share together, and find the perfect scripture to pray, and stand in agreement over the situation.
For we know that God is able to do abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to His power working in us..
In His Love,
Bro. Allen