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Reggie’s Story about addiction and incarceration.
- By George Maris
- Published 10/18/2009
- Inspirational Stories
George Maris is an
author of inspirational books.
He decided to write this book because of the inspiration that was freely given
to him. Reggie Washington’s story is one of the most inspirational stories
told. It is told in nine parts by an interview that he had given to The Second
Road where life intersects with recovery. www.thesecondroad.org
both the recovering and suffering addict.
Although anonymous
as they may be, It takes great
enthusiasm in recognizing the struggle and hardship that comes with living life
on life’s terms. In recovery one takes such an optimistic stand against a
pessimistic view. When faced with challenges, circumstances, and very real
problems that use to run our lives, it’s time to conquer the fears that bound
the soul.