What is This Irritation I am Feeling?
By Robird's Words
Published on 02/24/2012
99% of the time when you feeled irritated you are being drained of energy. Instead of being mad at yourself for being irritated take a look around and see who is sucking your energy.

A friend of mine who is usually positive and energetic to be around suddenly was sullen and negative. We met for our usual tennis afternoon and I could see she was not herself at all. At the end of the match she said she was very irriated today and that she had had an argument with her husband. I told her that didn't sound like her at all. She said well maybe my hormones are off or something. Then I happened to remember that her mother was visiting her home for 6 weeks. Her mom is a very negative woman and she mostly likes to sit around and watch tv all day and she doesn't eat a very good diet. I knew it was hard on my friend because she loved her mother and she wanted her to be happy and healthy. She was always trying to get her to eat good food and to get her out of the house. None of it was met with a very favorable response. Finally my friend had resorted to just letting her mom watch tv and eat the way she wanted to. She clained it wasn't bothering her any more, but I think subconsciously it was. Sometimes we allow those we love to live off of our energy systems. We are not always aware of it consciously. Some signs that this is happening are headaches, extreme exhaustion in a very short exposure to the person, and in my friends case, irritation. I told her that she should put up a barrier around herself each morning when she got out of bed. Close off her chakras and make herself aware that she is no longer open to giving out energy to the point that it depletes herself. She immediately began to feel better. Often times a dying person will draw energy from care givers that are near to them. It is a very natural thing for them to do. It is important to know this so that you can protect yourself if you are ever in this situation. Over time you can put your own health at rish if it goes on too long. It is a gracious thing to share some of your energy with those you love, but if it starts to take it's toll on you you need to know when to stop it.