I get a little frustrated when I read all the self help books that are out on the market today. It would seem that we are being trained on how to be. The idea we have an intricate system in place in our own bodies has seemed to been forgotten. I run into people all the time who are on the "positive thinking" band wagon. Now I am not saying to be negative all the time, but sometimes there are those instances where it is a benefit to you to be where you are. Basically you are being taught to not be in your truth, to tell yourself to be happy when you are not, to pretend things don't bother you when then do. Unfortunately the idea that this will bring you more abundance and a better life just isn't true. It creates yet another innner conflict in you. I see people all the time trying to suck up every negative emotion and feeling that they have. It's almost like spending time with robots. You don't get an understanding of your feelings by sucking them up. Take some time to feel it, to hear it, to understand it. You will find some very important and beneficial information that way. Why am I angry in the car? Why did that really bug me when someone pushed ahead in line? Why am I upset about things that seem to be non-existent to other people? Your body and your emotions store some very important and enlightening understandings about yourself. All you have to do is ask. You don't just get over them or make them go away by making them bad and banishing them from your thoughts. Everything comes for a good reason and if you push away what you have deemed as negativity you also put yourself at odds with yourself and that creates alot of discourse in your body. This intricate creation that is us is so complex and so communicative and yet we question it's integrity and it's reasoning all the time. All of us have reactions and responses that we are not always proud of or even like, but the real key is to communicate with our communication and learn from it rather than run from it. When I encounter something within me that I don't particularily enjoy the feeling of I try to go a little deeper and find out where it is coming from. Most times it is a similar situation that I was hurt in many years before that is causing the "negaitve" response. Now, why should I be angry with myself for being notified that I could possibly be getting hurt again because this moment is similar to a past one. You don't just manifest with positive thoughts, you can also manifest by being in a place that you no longer wish to be in. You can be so angry and upset about something in your life that it can actually propel you into something very different. Sometimes we get the opposite of what we want. Years ago my husband and I were looking for a place in Florida. We had some friends that invited us down to check out their place. They lived in a gated community, something we were not familiar with or use to. As we drove through it I said to my husband,"there is no &*%$**(( way that I will ever live in a gated community." I hated everything about the idea of closed garage doors, special trash days, and all the other rules that went along with it. To make a long story short, we were living in that gated community 6 months later. My energy of no way made way for it to come right into my life. So, if you are in a very bad financial state and you are feeling upset, angry, defeated and feeling like your life will never be prosperous, you may just propel yourself into the opposite with out even knowing it. There is something very powerful about being in your truth, being where you are. Life isn't suppose to be so hard and you certainly aren't expected to be a good actor in order to have a good life. Just having a good awareness of yourself and your feelings and going inward often is all that is needed in order to develop a good life. You can't "fool" you, you can't make yourself believe something that just isn't true, nor should you. Live your truth, follow what brings you happiness, and look at your emotions with an open mind and heart. It won't be long and things will really start going your way and you will find that you are a great creator.