One of the most difficult things for anyone is to disappoint their parents. So often times we behave in ways that we know they can deal with or that they are use to. We fall into these rolls and play them out until at some point in our lives we decide it just isn’t working for us anymore. Have you heard things like, you’ve changed, aren’t we important to you anymore, you only are thinking of yourself? Are you trying to live your life and constantly being made to feel guilty?
The first you to do is accept that as mad as this may make you, you agreed to it. No one forced you to pretend to be someone you aren’t, you did it willingly. The parents and all the old friends have gotten really use to things how they are. Changing them up isn’t going to be easy for you or them. So you are posed with three options. Start being who you are, continue to be who you are not, or dissolve your relationships.
There comes a time in everyones life that you need to choose you otherwise you will be suffer the affects in your body and through your negative emotions. It will become increasingly hard to live a joyful life without honoring yourself.
The first thing people usually want to do is just cut and run. Get everyone out of here who is making me uncomfortable or making me not be myself. After that settles down we come to our senses and realize that all we need to do is be ourselves and let them decide if we are still someone they want to be in relationship with. They may not like it, they may do their best to push you back into your old ways, but ultimately you are the one who controls that. Of course you always have the right to eliminate people from your life who are deliberately bringing you down or meaning to do you harm.
Stand firm, make the changes, own who you are, so that the thick feeling of separation doesn’t occur. You will know you have made it when you can bring yourself every where you go and you are the same. No more acting, no more pretending, just being you. Agreeing if you agree, disagreeing if you disagree, engaging when you want to and retreating when you feel like it. Sounds good doesn’t it? To be free, who would have thought that all that means is to allow ourselves to be ourselves. No more people pleasing, no more being someone your not just to make them comfortable. When you finally agree that the most important person to feel comfortable is you, your whole world will change. Stop using old relationships as your excuse for not being who you are. No one can make you feel a certain way unless that way is in you. Conditional Love
One of the most difficult things for anyone is to disappoint their parents. So often times we behave in ways that we know they can deal with or that they are use to. We fall into these rolls and play them out until at some point in our lives we decide it just isn’t working for us anymore. Have you heard things like, you’ve changed, aren’t we important to you anymore, you only are thinking of yourself? Are you trying to live your life and constantly being made to feel guilty?
The first you to do is accept that as mad as this may make you, you agreed to it. No one forced you to pretend to be someone you aren’t, you did it willingly. The parents and all the old friends have gotten really use to things how they are. Changing them up isn’t going to be easy for you or them. So you are posed with three options. Start being who you are, continue to be who you are not, or dissolve your relationships.
There comes a time in everyones life that you need to choose you otherwise you will be suffer the affects in your body and through your negative emotions. It will become increasingly hard to live a joyful life without honoring yourself.
The first thing people usually want to do is just cut and run. Get everyone out of here who is making me uncomfortable or making me not be myself. After that settles down we come to our senses and realize that all we need to do is be ourselves and let them decide if we are still someone they want to be in relationship with. They may not like it, they may do their best to push you back into your old ways, but ultimately you are the one who controls that. Of course you always have the right to eliminate people from your life who are deliberately bringing you down or meaning to do you harm.
Stand firm, make the changes, own who you are, so that the thick feeling of separation doesn’t occur. You will know you have made it when you can bring yourself every where you go and you are the same. No more acting, no more pretending, just being you. Agreeing if you agree, disagreeing if you disagree, engaging when you want to and retreating when you feel like it. Sounds good doesn’t it? To be free, who would have thought that all that means is to allow ourselves to be ourselves. No more people pleasing, no more being someone your not just to make them comfortable. When you finally agree that the most important person to feel comfortable is you, your whole world will change. Stop using old relationships as your excuse for not being who you are. No one can make you feel a certain way unless that way is in you. Accept the challenge, you don’t need to avoid people to avoid separation. The reason you feel this way is your higher self will not join you in your expression of your unauthentic self. That is where the awkwardness comes from. Every step of the way your higher self communicates with you letting you know when you are off track. Once you start pretending you immediately will feel the separation. Everyone says, “ I have to learn this or learn that.” I say, there is nothing to learn, all you need to know is already there. All you need do is pay attention to how you feel. Good to know. Once you start pretending you immediately will feel the separation. Everyone says, “ I have to learn this or learn that.” I say, there is nothing to learn, all you need to know is already there. All you need do is pay attention to how you feel. Good to know.