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~Our Spruce Tree~
- By Old Soul
- Published 06/16/2012
- Doing Good Daily
The *Spruce Tree* and what to do with it..*read*.. didn’t help ... so we finally had to have it taken down. Yesterday we had a company come and remove one of our lovely big *Spruce Trees* from the front of the yard. It was sad to see it go as it had been there for 40 years or more.
It was amazing to see how well organized they were.... . *taking the tree down*.. There were about 5 people that came with their equipment. It didn’t take more than 2 hours and everything was cleaned up perfectly. after they completed their task.
It made me think of how long it took... for that *Once healthy and beautiful tree* to grow... that tall... and to the age that it was. That was the sad part. However we did try and do everything that we could to save the tree. It had gotten so bad .. there was a chance... that it could fall any time.. and with the weather changing... we were not going to take a chance of more problems.
Of course there are other problems ... that are caused from big old trees in the yard... stemming from sewer problems with extending roots to other concerns.
On the other hand the shade that the trees provide and of course the beauty of the tree itself... makes you think..... whether to replace the empty spot in time or not with another small tree... ... Hmmmm .What shall we do ?
I suppose we will concentrate on the lovely trees in the back yard for now...... and decide at a later date what to do with the front. Anyway.... if you do happen to have to get a tree removed i do hope that you are as lucky as we were getting a very competent and good company to do the job for you... as we had. have a nice summer...