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~Life is A Short Story~
- By Old Soul
- Published 06/24/2012
- Inspirational Stories
~Life is like a short story.... and i will explain why i feel like that~Years ago ..when we moved into this house.. where we presently reside..... Our first grandson was a year old. When we were first looking at the house... we talked about ... the way the kitchen was built ..and the steps going down to the basement . Worrying about.. our little grandson.. falling down the stairs... which fortunately never did happen .
The house looked huge to us and the family was still pretty small. only the one grand child.It seemed as if...it was in *fast forward* motion... the other three grandkids came along ... then a couple more granddaughters... with the family extending.. The years slipped by so very quickly ~
That very grandson is now thirty years old and married .....That time seemed like a flash. the other grandkids are all adults... The youngest of them all is *twenty three* Oh my time does fly~We take a look at ourselves ... we are both in our *Seventies* Yikes whoa~ where is life going ?
All the work and toil and worry and now......... we can rest... Of course we still worry about the kids and grandkids and always will. Yes we say out thank you to God each and every morning for another great day whatever kind of day it is .. and for the health and safety of the families.. and pray for peace in the world.Life just simply goes on if we are here or not....It has to...... So enjoy every moment..... Overlook the trivial things and do the best you can..... Take some ones hand.... Listen to their story.....