~Go Fly A Kite~
By Old Soul
Published on 06/27/2012
most kids flying kites and running and getting a whole bunch of exercise ~

What’s with families  now a days ?   Or have i not been looking in the right places?     Years ago  when we were all kids.....   on windy days.....  we saw and    most kids flying  kites and running  and getting a whole bunch of exercise  ~  
  Gee wiz   now a days  when   kids want something to do ... they are provided  with a *Game Boy*  or  some other Electronic   toy to play  with.. and keep them selves  occupied~   Yes  i know..   there are many power lines  around ...and it isn’t as safe it might have been years ago .. but there are still many places .. in which the children can be supervised  . and go fly a kite.   and have fun. 
 Or  go and play catch or baseball   with the parents.     Seems  there just isn’t any time anymore.. or the parents   are worn out   working.... and want to sit relax and  watch TV..  Ok  .... so     not my business.. i guess.*S*   But  the suggestion for..* Get off the couch*.. and  *Give yourself.. and the kids some fresh air.. and exercise.. **is a Great Plan** and i am sticking to that ..because that’s my opinion ,  if it matters  to anyone  >or not......