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- By John Kitsco
- Published 08/24/2012
- Doing Good Daily
And that beautiful song comes to mind about planting the seeds row by row and the sunset warms them and they grow, often in life there is also a harvest of time and ideas...in the autumn it all seems to come together.
Farming has always involved risk and when one is sometimes not rich in abundance from the land, the richness is then perhaps just the experience of it all, we learn from doing and do from learning...
I recently sat at the side of the road in the evening and there was simply the joy to be gained by the beauty of silence and unlike the city where the sirens sound every few moments, the countryside sparkles with the last few rays of sunshine that turn to stars that sparkle later in
the evening. The air - remarkably fresh.
Although somewhat of an old timer now I decided upon a change this season for myself and that was to once again make the calls to farms and inquire about whether or not they might acquire a farm picture. This season is different for me, unlike the past where I took the photos of the farms and the land, this season a young gentleman takes the pictures and it is my job to try to sell them.
In previous years my wife would turn the film into remarkable farm scenes, this time we carry an ipad and the farms glow on a screen. Technology comes to the farm.
And once in a while I take the time to sit awhile and chat and discuss things on the land, enjoy a slice of pie with icecream and the words scatter about, until its time to move on to the next farm. Life is good.
Having travelled the countryside for so many years in the past its wonderful to once again make the acquaintence of new friends and sometimes discuss combines and field peas, sometimes conversation turns to family and how couples met, to our aging process and things that folks relate to, whether it be a spicing of politics or religion, always interesting...
And so, the harvest has come. And soon winter will be upon us and these magnificent fields of green will turn to white just as time ages the hair on our heads, and we all strive to find the harvest in our lives....