A splendid story about an artist named Lois
By John Kitsco
Published on 12/12/2012
Strange how an illness in 2004 propelled artist Lois Bienvenue to pursue her "gift" of art...

When you sit across the table from Lois Bienvenue
the first thing you observe are her positively sparkling eyes. And if the eyes are in fact the light to the soul, there is definitely something special happening behind those lovely eyes.  And it was not always like this. You see, an illness in 2004 caused
Lois to start sketching just as in the movie Forest Gump - the star of the movie simply needed to run.
Lois simply needs to draw. To create. And just as I have made predictions in this blog site, there is no doubt in my mind the world is yet to hear about
Lois Bienvenue. She is a quiet person but on the other hand has some excellent stories to share. And
the story Lois tells best is about herself, how she started to draw even though she had some health issues to deal with. The drawings as though coming from a deep channel within - sort of manifested themselves. Portraits of some friends made those
friends cry. And no doubt Lois has shed a few tears during her inspired moments with her art...

Lois participated in Canada's Artisan Gift Show in
2012 (in Edmonton, Canada) and I look forward to
the new creations that have yet to appear...and will...

Lois goes on to say...the inspiration for me to create is supplied by the majesty of the mountains,
the beauty of nature and even memories from old well as the wild and playful spirit of animals....

Lois is a truly blessed, self taught artist. She even creates picture frames from old barn wood.

Raised and still residing near Vegreville, Alberta
 Lois  is on the edge of a long journey into the world of art, continually depicting her art as
only she can.... and I  wish Lois Bienvenue great
success in the years ahead...