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- By John Kitsco
- Published 12/29/2012
- Doing Good Daily
While most of us go about our humdrum lives, from work to home back to work, there are some who have chosen the path less travelled and that is to places like Africa, to help the poor and suffering, live in a small village and offer some comfort where possible to those who really really need kind words and help. But in the process, there is always an unknown, a risk factor.
Over the years there have been stories of many who have
put family at risk when rebels attacked a small village.
Even cases where women were beaten, raped, robbed and even killed. And yet the journey continues for many who feel a need to accomlish something very special in their lives,and even with the risks involved they still go...
And perhaps some of those who live and work in isolated posts hear about the news from Canada and the U.S. of mentally deranged people taking lives and perhaps feel safer than we do -
And so it goes, the passage of time and often the need to seek fulfillment in doing something special for someone special and thus the journey begins. Bibles. Good intentions. And without saying - RISK!
We must admire those chosen ones who seek spiritual reward in doing missionary work and at the same time
worry about them. Within minutes or seconds rebels are
prone to attack, to kill, to invade the peaceful villages
where innocent lives are taken...all in the name of
political and other disputes which often do not take into account that the people they kill are not there to hurt anyone, but to help and the cruel irony of this kind of situation is sad and awful, but its just one of the things that can happen in what is supposed to be a good world where everyone deserves a better day....
On this, the end of 2012 we give praise and thanks to the goodwill of those who give their lives to the hurting and suffering men, women and children the world over. And are often forgotten...in these faraway places...
Go with God we say to you who travel to Africa, to Bosnia, to places with a need....go safely...and hopefully you will find your reward....and return
safe. Safe. Yes, return safe...to our civilized part of the world that is proving to be as unsafe as those small villages in places like Africa. Life is strange indeed!!