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Experience a Blank Canvas
- By Jane Morales
- Published 11/7/2009
- Changing Behavior
Are you aware at the fact that we receive two million bits of information per second? Out of those 2 million we are only able to handle 134 bits per second. Only those are processed by the brain. We then group the 134 bits of information into seven manageable sets of information based on our memories, values and beliefs. From everything we experience throughout the day we leave a lot of information out and we only process that information that either relates to us or that is convenient to us.
In other words, we really cannot see anything other than who we are and what we perceive outside ourselves is who we are.
The people that we see are what we project them to be as we can only perceive a small percentage of information. We take our most unconscious believes and project them on to others and events around us.
What is the purpose?
To become conscious of them and change four our own good and better being.
Chaos creates chaos and peace creates peace. Where do you stand right now in chaos or peace? Your answer is a reflection of your own inner self. You must decide where you want to be and begin with yourself. You and only you can create value in your life. We tend to project all of our unresolved issues with the people around us and we don't see anything other than who we really are.
Every cell in your body is affected by what you think and the responsibility of change falls on you. The value of what you do and what you are solely depends on this. If you are surrounded by chaos, instability or confusion it is because that is what you are inside. The only way to modify this is by changing yourself.
Never underestimate the power to change yourself. Never overestimate the power to change others.
When you correct your mind, everything will fall into place. Think soft, think flexible and become humble. You have the power and capacity to change your being by changing the way you look at things about yourself. It is all based on beliefs of how we see ourselves and our life.
Begin by creating a blank canvas as you relate to others. Find peace in every relation and be open to listening. Benefit without the personal concern of your own benefit. Benefit by observing the way others relate to you as they are a mirror of your own self.
Meditation, Observation, Solitude, Silence, Humility
Be Mindful of your thoughts, actions and words. What your project on to others will be reflected back to you. Open yourself to the idea of creating a whole better version of YOU. The whole dynamic around you will change for the best.