At work, we have had tense times over the past 6 months or so.  Communication was lacking, our manager was ill or unavailable a lot,  some staff members seemed to take advantage of the void, etc.  "Toxic" atmosphere while my manager was under the impression we could manage ourselves.  Unfortunately, not so, even though we are all adults.  We had two meetings to address these issues.  Some good change has come about, some has not but may on the horizon.  I was passed over for an opportunity to serve because it was viewed as a "position," not an opportunity.  Some others were very upset, so was I.  I met w/my manager, realized the change could not come from her but had to come from me.  As a Christian,  I decided (ah, Who decided?) I no longer worked for this manager or even my company - I work for God.  In fact always have but my focus became scuwed. Whew - huge perceived weight off my shoulders; what does, does not happen in my life is not up to me but my Lord.  How this unit functions is not my concern - my focus is to serve, SERVE - any reward is a bonus, anything nasty is to be endured and learned from in His name.   Now, to stay on track, relax and let go - don't hold fast.