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Aligning Intentions with your Soul
- By Spiritual Warrior
- Published 11/20/2009
- Inspirational Stories
Early on when studying about spirituality and all the inner work, one quickly learns about intentions. What you intend is what you want to manifest. My intentions in the very beginning were based around prosperity, finding my soul mate, having harmonious relationships, inner peace, etc. Actually my intentions haven't changed much, but how I use intentions has changed drastically.
I thought that intentions were just statements of what I wanted, such as, "I intend to be prosperous," or "I intend to have harmonious relationships," or "I intend to find my soul mate." I thought intentions were synonymous with affirmations. I would use them in the present tense as if I already had these things along with my meditations, prayers, and trying to stay in the present moment. I thought I had it all figured out. But I hadn't.
Then I read, "Mind of the Soul," by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis, for the second time. The first time I read it, I loved it. Basically this book teaches us to make responsible choices. And its through those choices that determine our experiences.
On the second reading of this book, and I don't know why I missed it the first time, but I finally understood how the law of attraction works. Gary Zukav states that we attract through our intentions. The intentions are the feelings or reasons behind the choices that we make. I didn't realize that its not the action but the reason behind the action or choice we make. For instance, two people can donate to a charity for two totally different reasons. One for tax write off purposes, and the other for the sole purpose of helping others. Although the action is the same, the intentions to donate the money are very different, therefore will attract different experiences or consequences.
So now, I try to make conscious decisions by always thinking about what my true intention is behind every choice, and everything that I say to everyone. I always try to keep my intentions aligned with my soul. This sounds easy, but it has proven to be more difficult than I expected it to be. So many times I react to situations rather than respond consciously and it takes so much patience and conscious effort. I would love for this to become my natural state of being and I work on it every opportunity I get.
If my intentions are aligned with my soul, then its guaranteed that everything I attract is also aligned with God, and with God all things are possible. Namaste.
I thought that intentions were just statements of what I wanted, such as, "I intend to be prosperous," or "I intend to have harmonious relationships," or "I intend to find my soul mate." I thought intentions were synonymous with affirmations. I would use them in the present tense as if I already had these things along with my meditations, prayers, and trying to stay in the present moment. I thought I had it all figured out. But I hadn't.
Then I read, "Mind of the Soul," by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis, for the second time. The first time I read it, I loved it. Basically this book teaches us to make responsible choices. And its through those choices that determine our experiences.
On the second reading of this book, and I don't know why I missed it the first time, but I finally understood how the law of attraction works. Gary Zukav states that we attract through our intentions. The intentions are the feelings or reasons behind the choices that we make. I didn't realize that its not the action but the reason behind the action or choice we make. For instance, two people can donate to a charity for two totally different reasons. One for tax write off purposes, and the other for the sole purpose of helping others. Although the action is the same, the intentions to donate the money are very different, therefore will attract different experiences or consequences.
So now, I try to make conscious decisions by always thinking about what my true intention is behind every choice, and everything that I say to everyone. I always try to keep my intentions aligned with my soul. This sounds easy, but it has proven to be more difficult than I expected it to be. So many times I react to situations rather than respond consciously and it takes so much patience and conscious effort. I would love for this to become my natural state of being and I work on it every opportunity I get.
If my intentions are aligned with my soul, then its guaranteed that everything I attract is also aligned with God, and with God all things are possible. Namaste.