Changing Behavior

In order to help others we must first become comfortable with ourselves. We believe we find the comfort in ourselves from helping others, but sometimes life gets more complicated than that. Blog posts in this section are all about how we can adjust our lives, our  mental attitudes, our routines, on a personal level, so that we can achieve greater levels of personal satisfaction and thus increase our ability to spread positivity.
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~Been There Done That~


~Make Your Own Changes In Life~
Lo que es realmente duro, y realmente sorprendente, es dejar de ser perfecto y comenzar a trabajar en ser tu mismo - Anna Quindlen
~When it comes to Retail~ I welcome a smiling face~

Donde esta la Felicidad?

Estoy en popular bloggers...He decidido seguir posteando aqui..He vuelto :) "El dolor es inevitable. El Sufrimiento es optional." - Desconocido


This time of year we always hear about a hunter or hiker that gets stranded in the woods....what are the chances for survival?


And to think we have all the answers....think again, read about what happens to some rental properties...

Dinosaur University

So the fall semester is starting and I'm going to be a writing tutor. Fun, Exciting and Scary.

~Death with a Different Twist~

~ there is a time set away for us somewhere ~ which is our time to *Expire* or call it

Is The big **C** comming soon ?

~Shall i try turning the clock back ?


One thing is certain, and that is change. It happens often when least expected....
All we crave is the moment in which we can forget ourselves. We forget ourselves as we make googoo faces at a beautiful baby. We forget ourselves when the moment demands spontaneous action.

Todays Styles~

It is unimaginable~ just how they go about ~accomplishing this very style

~The Glue~

She or He was *The GLUE* that kept the family together
My take on an old saying.
Got a tough decision to make? Maybe you’ve been mulling one around all afternoon, making lists of the pro’s and con’s, rating things by priority and even consulting friends, only to continue feeling confused as to how to proceed. Here’s a few tricks to help you get in touch with what you really want, making the best decision for you.

~Starting Out~

~Starting out was truly the best time in our Lives~
A special essay on peace--

Focused Faith

What is focused faith? Faith is not magic, not a theory, and faith is not seeing in order to believe.

~Beconning a Grandparent~

Every day~ there is something new about that new grandbaby~ ye
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