Changing Behavior

In order to help others we must first become comfortable with ourselves. We believe we find the comfort in ourselves from helping others, but sometimes life gets more complicated than that. Blog posts in this section are all about how we can adjust our lives, our  mental attitudes, our routines, on a personal level, so that we can achieve greater levels of personal satisfaction and thus increase our ability to spread positivity.
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Like a Cloud Passing Over The Sun

Life is so short and precious....almost like~* a cloud passing over the sun.*...
Cada discusion nos puede abrir oportunidades de aprender y crecer. Tratar de ver que la perfeccion no existe.. lo que es perfecto hoy no significa que siempre se mantendra asi.. y ENTENDER al otro, sin olvidarnos de ENTENDERNOS a nosotros mismos
My own understanding and evolution regarding vision boards. From being very disillusioned (my first one) to feeling giddy with joy (the next one), this is my take on how to make them work!
I believe there is nothing better than true face-to-face human interaction when it comes down to getting to know someone or coming up with solutions to a problem. I believe that one of the keys to any successful business is the ability to create and build relationships. You have to gain people's trust before they open up to you, and that trust and open relationship is the key to getting things done. In today's world, it's becoming harder and harder to build that true relationship.

New York where it all began!

it is a short paragraph or two stating the role and importance of the city Called NEW YORK CITY!!

Ever thought of being an actor?

Boy! HE is doing this all alone.

This week's energy - EMOTIONAL!

So many people have heightened emotions this is not a coincidence. Different energies come into the universe and affect us all. This week it's a very strong energy that removes our "mask" exposing all of our emotions, insecurities, corrections and flaws. Awareness of the energy can help you deal with it and grow rather than succumb to it. It's hear to help you, not to hurt you.

Inside & Out....

“Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.” ~unknown


Nota de Editor: Este es un post de una invitada : Marcela Ortiz Gutierrez Despedida de mi padre


Nota de Editor: Este es un post de un invitado Harrison F. La despedida de Cinthya

El camino

El sabado vi esta peli... triste.. no se si recomendarla.. pero me hiso pensar en el amor de padre.. y en el fuego que llevamos dentro
Even though we aren’t Olympic athletes, perhaps we can take a page from the Apollo’s of the world. We are all capable of change. We are all capable of achieving, and we are all capable of winning. Maybe we should all let a bit of our ‘inner Apollo’ out and really focus on creating something spectacular for our lives.

You Get Back What You Give Out

I think we need to refocus on the true nature of this site and realize that everything that happens to us in life is exactly what we expect to happen, therefore, we simply need to change our expectations.

How do i keep hope

im sick of waking up in the morning hating myself

Good morning

Open your eves, take in the things to be greatful for. "Don't over-value what your not, and under-value what you are".
Some middle-aged and elderly people often feel the hand is ice-cold. The following health care network teaches the movement law of a set of hands of your: Point massage:
The way to keep in good health of spring: Nourish heart and should regard to promote health as equally important

Where's That Wardrobe?

"People think I'm strong, but actually I wanted to crawl away...." ~ Stella McCartney

Que es el amor? 2da parte

Segun yo Amor comienza con entender .... de ahi que mas???... paciencia ...ya vendran otros post mas

hi friends

kind words
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