Doing Good Daily

Positive change in the world starts one deed at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Blog posts on this page are about the things we can do in our daily lives that can help ourselves and others change for the better.
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Info on winget wolves

Introducing Winget Wolves

Day Three: a two-fer

Exercising an atrophied muscle

Day Two

This is not as easy as I thought
remembering however not dwelling.
"...the story of how we came to have this van will serve as a regular reminder of my father’s love for me and my children, the power of gestures big and small and the importance of showing compassion for others’ circumstances."

Doing Good "Do Over"

OK, I did my first post a few minutes ago, spent lots of time editing, was feeling all warm and "good", and somehow, managed to lose it in the great web hole. Arrrrggghh! First lesson of "doing good": don't take yourself too seriously!

My Goal to heal and serve humanity

I visited Sedona, AZ. I see my dreams coming to life. I want to open a healing center to train healers from around the world.

1000 People Singing HU

Join in the fun! Send me your favorite link or true miracle story.

Missing Something

Since returning home I have made a number of small but difficult changes in my life, including switching to fair trade coffee, recycling and power conservation. Even though I have made these small changes, now that I spend everyday in a classroom learning how to use different computer programs, accounting, and english, my purpose seems to be lost again.

My Top 10 Tips For DIY Painting!

Not my usual blog, I know. But if I try, I think I can make this fit under the ‘uplift and inspire’ part of my mission. = )

New Year's Day Birthday

Think about it-what a better way to start a new year, and what a better way to come into this world then on a day the rest of the world looks at as a new beginning.

Our Children - Their Healthy Future!

In the up coming days/months I will be looking for ways to help my two eat smarter and healthier without adding a great deal more time in the kitchen. Our Children - Their Future...

Our Christmas gift

This is my family and they are having dinner with me!

A Homeless Man's Dream Come True

While at breakfast Christmas Morning after opening their gifts Robert one of "Our Guys" waved his hands over his plate and gifts and said to me that "This is a homeless mans dream come true".

Our adoption of a homeless man

It was a simple random act of kindness that started a different way of thinking for both husband and myself.
"Bad things happen to GOOD people ALL the time!" Every Act of Kindness brings a Tear of Joy to GOD'S EYE...and Humanity Closer to HIM!

Holiday Dinner

Today my wife and I prepared a holiday meal for 39 of our residents.

Christmas Cheer

What a wonderful time of the year!

Happy Avatar

My journey to happiness
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