Inspirational Stories

Blog posts of stories that inspire us to do good, to live better, or to help us realize what life is really about will be posted here. Or, blog posts of your personal stories that may inspire others to do good of their own.
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The Sylvester Stallone story is a true rags to riches tale. He rose from an almost impossible situation to the fame and fortune that he now enjoys.

Cultivating Intuition

Intuition is an inner knowing that does not come from an outside source. In a single flash of intuitive thought you can understand more about life than a whole year of reading books or listening to people. While there will always be a place for education in the world, we can do ourselves an enormous favor by learning how to get in contact with and listen to this part of our self that knows without being told.


I wish you all a most wonderful Christmas holiday... God does provide!

Freedom from Pain

True happiness comes from deep inside us.
Ever wonder if your childhood best friend you met 20 years ago is still the same person?

Good Day

Good Day wish

Arthur's Walk

To err is human to forgive canine.
I can easily accept those parts of me that are loving, compassionate and kind, but can I accept myself when I'm angry, judgemental, or controlling? Honestly, it's difficult to do. In those moments when I am faced with criticism, anger, impatience, resentment, self-judgement or judgement of others, I am quick to react from my ego rather than respond from my soul. When I react thoughtlessly I experience regret, and I find it hard to forgive myself. This is especially true when I'm dealing with my daughter in those heated moments where control becomes an issue. Control seems to be the area my ego is not willing to give up and I must be right and win the arguement. Letting go and letting God carry me through these moments can be difficult to do. I now make it a habit by always being aware of what I am feeling and always being aware of my intentions behind each choice I make. Awareness being the key word. I feel the feelings totally and completely and then I respond to the situation rather than react. This is not easy to do, but it can prove to be a healing process. By making loving, compassionate, and healing choices in the most difficult situations, for example when we're trembling with rage. How many times in those moments have we just allowed the ego to lash out in fury instead of challenging those feelings by feeling them completely, then respond from our soul instead of reacting from our ego? By no means is this easy to do, but I make it my mantra every moment of everyday. Asking God for guidance and strength in these moments helps too. Namaste.

A Quote of Note

If my intentions are aligned with my soul, then its guaranteed that everything I attract is also aligned with God, and with God all things are possible.

Parenting Never Ends

A friend told me once, " You are only as happy as your least happiest child."

My Success Story

From bored to productive

Being Rich is a State of Mind

Being rich isn't about money.

When Red Lights Turn Green

A short nonfiction story of a childhood memory that guides into commentary on the difference between rudeness and kindness amongst strangers


Helping mom during retirement.

The Seasons Change and So do we

With the change of another season is a reason to sometimes experience some sadness and also a reason to rejoice....

My First Blog.

It was a tuesday morning like any other, I had just woken up for school, about to jump into the shower when I saw my phone flashing red, I had gotten a text. Now who would be texting me at seven in the morning? I reached for my phone, it was Leigh's boyfriend will call for the sake of privacy Charlie. "Lee tryed to kill herself, she's in the hospital right now on suicide watch."

The Present

You know, as we get older, we remember more of our past and tend to glorify it, remembering the glory days so to speak...

The Most Beautiful Rainbow

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken...

We shall always love JAPAN

Friend Nobel always sends letters from Japan and always ends the letter with: Still hungry? Still thirsty? Me too....
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