Inspirational Stories

Blog posts of stories that inspire us to do good, to live better, or to help us realize what life is really about will be posted here. Or, blog posts of your personal stories that may inspire others to do good of their own.
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How I Got Hooked On Yoga

I use to believe that we were tight or couldn’t get into poses because we were inflexible. I have now come understand that it is the deep seated emotions that are held in these areas of the body that are what are holding us.


that light shade of green, on the lawn, trees starting to bud, the neighborhood squirrel scampering about alongside the many rabbits....its growiing season.....
Up here in Alberta, Canada the election is pretty much over with a majority of the votes given to Ms. Redford. And now...Alberta can continue to move forward.....

Jealousy, Anger, Suppression

Know that you should be your biggest fan, your most loyal companion, and the first one to stand up for yourself.
Every moment matters, whether you experience the result of it in this lifetime or the next, we are creating our own reality.

A Place of Refuge

ungodly influences on Solomon compared to today

We All Crawl at Different Ages

Leave others to discover their spiritual development on their own, just like you did.
Don't let your self image prevent you from enjoying your life.


The media tells that- hadCharles Melville Hays survived the sinking of the Titanic, the further construction of the Grand Trunk Railway could have seen Edmonton as a focal point - of greater things to come...


Let's get right down to it- to love and believe in yourself, in the way I describe it- can only lead to the greatest good. Both for you personally, and for humanity as a whole!
It is my profound personal experience- and the experience of hundreds of my students and clients, many of whom were/are long-term meditators and yogis- that their buried unconscious feelings and pain were almost totally untouched by their practices of yoga, meditation, prayer, affirmations, etc. Every single one of them was astonished by how unaware they had been! They came to understand, as I did, that re-connecting to themselves, becoming free of their pain and coming fully alive requires a new kind of spiritual practice. One which provides the cleansing emotional release that is so necessary for the full liberation of body, mind and spirit.

Attaining Enlightenment

Buddha once said, " In all things, strive for balance."


The absolute favorite was the 1957 Buick Special hardtop convertible. Until it badly rusted out, this was a grand old were others.....

What To Do About Gossip

Have you ever been caught in a group where there is a lot of gossiping and you don't want to be part of it? Here are some very good ways to deal with it.
Life's just an illusion, none of it matters, that's what is being taught in many of the new age spiritual books.

Giving Advice or NOT

Giving out advice is not much different than giving out money. No one values it when it's offered with out being asked for and chances are your going to be out your time and energy with little to show for it.
When Dave first came over to our home and looked in our garage at a collection of doors, he was pretty excited and bought the entire collection. Thus began a friendship with Dave and Sherry at a smart little company called Home Re-use-ables....
oh my, starts to make one feel old when you tell a story that goes back nearly 50 years. But indeed, I was sixteen and delivering milk in glass bottles. Those were interesting times....
It was 40 years ago to be exact that my wife and I ran a little art gallery out in the middle of the prairies. On one occassion we had an artist(who was used to posing at the University) pose nude for an art class. We were taking a big risk in a little town....

Just Say What's On Your Mind

Do you ever find yourself backed into a corner when someone asks you for a favor or to do something you would rather not do? Do you try to avoid the missile by making an excuse or telling a half truth?
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