Old Soul

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~Its Just Another Regular Day~

~Some are feeling lonely and depredded~



~Most People Love Winter~

~Christmas ~

!Its almost like Christmas Every day~


The smell of delicious Gingerbread cookies baking~

~A Marvelous act of Kindness~

Talk about *Wisdom * and Kindness~

There are some people that do that exact thing year long~

~The Wedding~

~`I had the the most wonderful time ever~

~Handy stuff In The bag~

~I always carry a cloth bag with me where ever i go ~

~My Visitor~ A Squirrel~

~I have a little Visitor~


~Been There Done That~


~Make Your Own Changes In Life~

~When it comes to Retail~ I welcome a smiling face~

~Death with a Different Twist~

~ there is a time set away for us somewhere ~ which is our time to *Expire* or call it

Is The big **C** comming soon ?

~Shall i try turning the clock back ?

Well i figure~ that if it works for you ~~~it works for you ~and that is all good~

~Pros andCons of Development~

Development and expropriation has its pros and its cons

~Something I learned About Bluejays~

~When they are around ~ they certainly make them selves noticed~

Todays Styles~

It is unimaginable~ just how they go about ~accomplishing this very style

~Summer Comming to An End~

~And we get out of it whatever we put into it ~

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