Old Soul

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Presumeably A Dry Year ?

it still is a fact that it all depends on Mother Narture


Needless to say *Spring* is my favourite season .

A B C;s and Retirees

I am sure here in this little warm and cosy meeting place everything is covered from A to Z~

Everything from the zoo to the hot springs seems to have got smaller.


time waits for no one

Our Furry Friends

I love pets now as long as they are someone elses>

Like a Cloud Passing Over The Sun

Life is so short and precious....almost like~* a cloud passing over the sun.*...

The Purse~

the necessary accessory

Contemplating the After Effects

and i am contemplating

Oh to be so fortunate to have experienced such fond memories of the simplest of things,,,

Children are so innocent

Sweet Innocence....

My Own Footsteps

I do believe that my life took a most wonderful turn in the road at an early age...

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