Jumping Jelly Bean

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A Quick Meditation for the Overwhelmed
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 04/13/2010
- Changing Behavior
In less than 5 minutes you can release the feeling of being overwhelmed through a simple mental exercise.
Take a Day to Spread Positive Energy to Others
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 04/5/2010
- Doing Good Daily
Give yourself one day this week to do nothing but spread positive energy to others, I dare you.
To Change, You Have to Internalize Your Decision to Change
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 03/10/2010
- Changing Behavior
You can't just say you made a decision to change, you have to let your whole spirit know you have made a decision to change, you have to allow your entire being make the decision along with your mind, then it will be an internalized decision to change that will in turn create the change you desire.
To Change, You Have to Make the Decision to Change
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 03/10/2010
- Changing Behavior
If I can change my health with the power of my intentions, then you can do the same thing with your mood, or your situation in life.
You Get Back What You Give Out
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 02/24/2010
- Changing Behavior
I think we need to refocus on the true nature of this site and realize that everything that happens to us in life is exactly what we expect to happen, therefore, we simply need to change our expectations.
If It's Yellow Let it Mellow, If It's Brown Flush It Down... Ewww
- By Jumping Jelly Bean
- Published 05/28/2009
- Going Green
Today was the first day that I did not flush the toilet. LOL. I know, that sounds so ridiculous! But seriously, I was watching Jay Leno the other night and Carmen Diaz was on and Jay was pestering her about how green she was and he finally asked her straight up, 'Do you flush?'.