Kindness Matters

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Miracles do happen
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 08/27/2010
- Grapevine Heroes
There is a silver lining in every storm. What happened in Haiti, has touched the heart of many, images still haunt our minds, but here is a story where a child's life has been saved due to the devastating earthquake.
'Secret agent' is on a mission: Spreading kindness
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 08/25/2010
- Doing Good Daily
Kindness needs to be expressed daily, just as we brush our teeth each morning, we need to express one act of kindness each day.
How to Keep Your Pet Safe During the Summer Months
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 05/26/2010
- Doing Good Daily
This is a re-post, I posted this last year, right before the start of summer, with the hopes of readers acknowledging the importance and maybe saving an animals life.
Safe Cleanser Recipe
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 04/20/2010
- Going Green
A safe, non toxic cleanser to use for household chores that cleans good, smells great and is extremely economical, pennies per bottle.
"Decembers Community Project"
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 12/7/2009
- Doing Good Daily
What a thrill, to do good for someone when they don't expect it!!!
What the heck is compost and how can it help our planet
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 07/27/2009
- Going Green
Just as it is not only important to be kind, as to share with others
your kind acts, to spread kindness. It is also not only important to
exercise going green as it is to educate others to help our planet.
Every going green tip, as insignificant as it may seem to you, will
help educate others. It's our duty to our planet, to help spread the
Homeless vets get helping hand
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 07/22/2009
- Inspirational Stories
The three-day event, which will last through tomorrow, is expected to draw about 900 people. It brings together civilian and military volunteers who offer the veterans temporary shelter, clothing, food and clean water for showers, along with legal, medical, dental and mental-health services.
Start Your Local Hugathon
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 07/17/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
Sometimes, a hug is all we need. Everyone has problems. To make someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.
Eco Friendly Pest Remedies
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/23/2009
- Going Green
With the summer upon us, it sure is nice to find eco friendly products we can make to help keep the bugs away from our flowers and plants.
Motivate, Inspire, Spread Hope
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/18/2009
- Doing Good Daily
Calling all doctors, teachers, hospital staff.
Post a free motivational, inspiring, hopeful poster and change the future of others.
Angels for Hope
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/18/2009
- Charity Work
Request a crocheted angel be sent to someone you know that is injured or chronically ill, or someone who has lost hope. Or be a volunteer that makes them, read more. . .
Daffy's Pet Soup Kitchen in Danger of Losing Warehouse
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/15/2009
- Doing Good Daily
With the economic crunch you would not believe all the pets that are abandoned because people can no longer afford to feed them. Shelters are filled to capacity, with animals being euthanized at alarming rates. We can all help, even if it's a little donation. Help feed a pet, so families are able keep them.
Helpful information for keeping our pets safe during the summer months.
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/13/2009
- Doing Good Daily
We need to do all we can to not only prevent danger to our pet, but to make others aware of the danger. Many pets are left in cars during the summer months, with the windows cracked slightly, and that can be deadly, even for a short time. Just one small act on your part, could save the life of a pet.
Calling all kids 7 to 12 years old across America to Take a Stand® for their favorite charity.
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/11/2009
- Charity Work
Sunkist invites kids 7 to 12 years old across America to Take a Stand® for their favorite charity. It's a rewarding way to squeeze some fun into summer and give back to the community.
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/10/2009
- Charity Work
A non profit volunteer organization, to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.”
Second, to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/9/2009
- Charity Work
The money that these stands raise helps to fund research in hopes of finding a cure to pediatric cancer. If you do not often give to charities without a good reason, here are five good reasons for you to consider next time you see a stand selling lemonade for Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
The Legend of the Starfish
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/9/2009
- Inspirational Stories
A short story, but very powerful. It's worth the read.
The good you do in this life does not have to be overwhelming, the simplest of things can make a huge difference.
Win $20,000 to Put Your Green Idea Into Action
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/7/2009
- Going Green
YOU could be the one to make a difference in your community—for the planet! Submit a description of your Green Effect idea by June 8, 2009. Ten finalists will be announced July 7, 2009. Online viewers and a distinguished panel of judges will review these inspiring ideas.
A Choice Each Day
- By Kindness Matters
- Published 06/4/2009
- Inspirational Stories
"I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.” Chuck Swindoll
Changing our attitude is the core of changing our world.
Changing our attitude is the core of changing our world.