Caryl Booker

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They will know we are Christians by our Love
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 02/3/2011
- Inspirational Stories
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
In God You Trust
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 11/25/2010
- Inspirational Stories
People may let you down, including family members, church members, and close friends but the one you can always count on to be faithful, who you can rely and depend upon is God.
I Am The Healed
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 09/13/2010
- Changing Behavior
So it is very important to guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.
4 Wise Sayings
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 09/6/2010
- Changing Behavior
Don't let the trends of popularity bother you! One day people are not your friends then days later they are!!!
Focused Faith
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 08/4/2010
- Changing Behavior
What is focused faith? Faith is not magic, not a theory, and faith is not seeing in order to believe.
Be Still, Don't Be Moved!
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 07/16/2010
- Inspirational Stories
If I did not know the will of God for my life, I would be soo ungrateful and wanting to see death!
Free To Love
- By Caryl Booker
- Published 07/16/2010
- Changing Behavior
There are times, moments and events that occur in our lives that come and hurt/breaks our hearts! Things that we were expecting to happen that didn't. Sometimes these events cut so deep and take some time to heal! How are we to heal....