Denis Moon

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Kindness is like gold
- By Denis Moon
- Published 07/20/2009
- Doing Good Daily
- Unrated
In our culture deeds of kindness are like fine jewels.
- By Denis Moon
- Published 07/15/2009
- Changing Behavior
- Unrated
It's the truth that sets us free.
Just Be
- By Denis Moon
- Published 07/11/2009
- Changing Behavior
- Unrated
To be in love is better than anything else I can experience.
It Grows
- By Denis Moon
- Published 07/9/2009
- Changing Behavior
It takes time but it comes. I used to say this to the guys that came to us from prison. What I meant was that change takes time, but it comes. Whatever you sow, you will reap. So if you sow into love, you will reap love. If you stopped stealing from us boys and sowed some time being with us, change would come. It is not easy and it takes time, but change does come. But so many of us are loaded with so many hurts and burdens that it seems impossible for change to come, but it will.