Betty H
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It's the Little Things That Matter Most
- By Betty H
- Published 09/9/2009
- Doing Good Daily
Grocery shopping is not exactly my favorite passtime except today, when an employee went out of his way to help make it better. You can acknowledge this in the best way.
Homeless Coach Builds Diamond in the Rough
- By Betty H
- Published 07/6/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
Amazing, heartwarming story of a man who has made a difference in the lives of young boys.
The Umbrella Man
- By Betty H
- Published 06/22/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
All that hear of his kindness are touched. Makes me think that going out of your way to be kind goes way beyond you and the person you are kind to. It's a ripple effect.
Going Green Needs to be Taught in School
- By Betty H
- Published 06/17/2009
- Going Green
Children are our future. Here is information on all that can be recycled, taken from a website based on teaching children in a fun way.
A Remarkable Act of Kindness
- By Betty H
- Published 06/15/2009
- Doing Good Daily
This story is so inspiring! It proves the ripple effect. Doing one act of kindness inspires others to repeat it. We can change the world one act of kindness at a time.
Local Man Makes National News For Good Deeds
- By Betty H
- Published 06/9/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
Local Pittsburgh man, spends a weekend helping others. He calls it the best weekend of his life!
The Birthday Club
- By Betty H
- Published 06/5/2009
- Grapevine Heroes
Church woman form a Birthday Club and make wonderful mugs with flowers to give to nursing home residents. Birthdays are special times, and no matter how old you get it's nice to be remembered.