Earth Mama
After following my heart, I'm six years into the journey of motherhood- I love to talk about about it! As an adoptive single Mom to one of the best people on the planet, I am truly blessed.
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I Love a 2 Hour Delay!
- By Earth Mama
- Published 02/1/2010
- Inspirational Stories
- Unrated
2 unplanned, unscheduled hours of fun with my baby.
Wrapped in a Blanket of Positivity
- By Earth Mama
- Published 01/27/2010
- Inspirational Stories
- Rating:
I want to expose him to so many things, but right now I'm spending time focusing on raising a child with a positive attitude and self image.
Labor of Love
- By Earth Mama
- Published 09/17/2009
- Inspirational Stories
- Unrated
Just as my step into parenthood, I do so with a bit of trepidation.