Ally Gottesman
Hello, I am Ally! A good author to my own thinking, but can be shy at times! I am a lover of horses, writing, and cooking... But that is not why I am here! I have a charity called the "C.C.C." (C.andy C.ures C.ancer) I really enjoy getting a bit of attention when it comes to my writing. But my dream is to become a chef.. not an author!
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A Little Bir More
- By Ally Gottesman
- Published 12/21/2009
- Charity Work
- Rating:
The more on me and how you can help to!
The C. C. C. (Candy Cures Cancer)
- By Ally Gottesman
- Published 12/13/2009
- Charity Work
- Unrated
How I went from ordanary to EXTRAordanary