Work4 Peace 4 ALL

So many people are changing the world but we need everyone to help. Juanes the Columbia singer works4peace; Dalai Lama works4peace; John Dau, Emmanual Jal works4peace; Ishmael Beah works4peace we all need to work4peace for all... there needs to be a day when every human being has clean water and education the same opportunities that NO one is left behind... that is the day I want to see and I know it will be if we all work together... help me work4peace4all. Thank you! Paz y amor

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I did it!!! I lived my dream....

My dream was to always teach English to children in a foreign country... and you know what I FINALLY DID IT at 51 years old...

love to read books?

This week I read "The Other Side of Paradise" and am reading "When the Past is Present"

Raising money for Haiti!!!

I had this idea that if everyone gave a dollar and there are 350 million people in the united states that we could raise $350 million dollars in say one month.... In the first 12 days after the earthquake the dollar number is $438 million dollars for Haiti.... that is not just from the United States but from all over the world I don't know at the end of the month we might have reached a Billion or more... THANKS and hugs to everyone that gave... Paz y amor


See how many hugs you get in one day!!!

making dance part of your day...

I never want to stop dancing... this is my first blog...thanks for reading my blog. Paz y amor...

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